Workshop Audiences: Founders, CEOs, Presidents, Executive Directors, Grant Writers, Fund Developers, Development Directors, Program Directors, Board members, and Decisions-Makers from designated 501 c 3’s and State incorporated faith-based nonprofits that serve at-risk youth and families.
Horacha Jones (B.A., Sociology, University of Texas at Austin), CEO for PYD Solutions & Support, LLC, has more than 18 years of experience, a $41 MILLION Track Record of Success, and my ability to make the Government’s short-list of Grants FUNDED 36 times. She has secured more than $41 million in grants from the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Family and Youth Services Bureau, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and Office of Trafficking in Persons; the U.S. Department of Justice; The Texas Department of State Health Services; The Texas Education Agency (TEA); The City of Houston; the Aetna, Bank of America, United Way, General Mills, and Simmons Foundations; and others for churches, schools, and faith-based organizations to implement programs for at-risk youth, homeless youth, and youth who are victims of human trafficking in underserved, impoverished, and crime-ridden communities. Awarded grants have consisted of evidence-based academic support programs, teen pregnancy prevention programs, street outreach programs, homeless youth/basic center (emergency shelter) programs, human trafficking programs, transitional living programs, maternity group homes, mentoring and juvenile justice delinquency programs, obesity prevention programs, and substance abuse treatment and prevention programs.
Secured in Funding
Happy Clients
Years of Experience